Thursday, July 31, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well, After a long day and a half of traveling, I finally made it home!

I spent 3 days in Munich Germany . It was quite a transition from Paris. The area that our hostel was in was not too lively. Despite that, we ended up having a blast. We went on a bike tour throughout the city. We had a blast as we rode through the gorgeous city parks and past the historic buildings. Though I was sad to leave Europe, I was getting anxious to be home and get to see family and friends.

Monday evening we headed to the Munich train station and hoped on a train for the 11 hour ride to Paris. After a hectic transition, we hoped on another train in Paris that took us to the airport. We had a bit of wait time before our 8 hour plane ride. After a very bumpy ride, we arrived in Chicago. We had to fix a few glitches in the tickets and then rushed to the gate headed toward Columbus. Finally, around 8pm Columbus time, we landed.

It was so exciting to see Mom, Dad, and Nicole waiting at the gate. It was great to finally get to see them and give them great big hugs. Not only was I greeted by the family, but they had my favorite: Chipotle. We also picked up Cold Stone ice cream on the way home. Though my stomach was a little culture sure tasted good!

Now I am all unpacked and am just trying to get my stomach and my sleep habits past the jet lag. Since I was not able to upload pictures while I was gone, I have included some now so that everyone can have a look. Thanks for all of your continued thoughts and prayers; they really carried me through this journey!

In Him,

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